Tuesday 4 October 2011

Week 2

Been to the lecture and todays topic was about "games design concept and tools of the trade".

     We went to the lab officially for the first time as the lab back in to action after the refurbishment. We sat down as a group and created an individual blog per person to keep record of our weekly project activities.

     Today we were suppose to think about some game concepts regarding to our group project. We discussed about the genre of games which we wish to develop. Each member came up with different ideas such as
     Sports Games - Racing or Football
     Puzzle Games
     Action Games - Stealthy or Adventure (This was my idea)

     We discussed the advantage and drawbacks of each game genre concepts and at the end we all decided to go up with a stealthy action game, simply because this is where we needed more knowledge and skills. And also we didn't wanted to develop any silly games plus we wanted a variety with a strong story base.

We called off the lab..

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