Tuesday 17 January 2012

Week 13

     Today was the official day for our pitching presentation and as a team we rehearsed our own chosen pitching session for this presentation. As a group of three we divided the pitching contents in to three so each group member get an opportunity to talk about the game in front of crowd. The pitching session i was agreed to talk about the game world

     In game world i introduced the cities where the game take place and the city where the game starts with. I mentioned the old and current outlook of the modern cities. Then i moved on to the game play where the character is manipulated whether the character is free of restrictions or not. I wanted to speak about the weapons and sound tracks used within this game but because of lack of time i couldn't complete it all.
     At the end of the presentation we had to face some questions from the lectures and some of the crew members. overall they said our presentation was excellent and we did it very confidently also was very defensive.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Week 12

     This is the first week we back from the Xmas and new year holidays so obviously the first time we sat in a team for our games pitching session. Our team member Ross who nailed this game idea decided to split the pitching topics for each member. But for the elevator pitch we all thought the same amount i guess to identify the unique selling point.

     The pitching session we were all agreed to present are as follows.

Ross - Story line and the motive of the missions
Michael - Character settings and abilities
Justin (myself) -Game world